Air Rotational Nature

Greetings Everyone,

Rotational Nature:
In this Universe in which we are living in, If it is to be within in a circle: 5 objects are required to function as separate and joint in nature, through the rotational method and Gravity functioning method, if such is the case, how will the result be? Only in such a way, it is existing( or it exists). These 5 objects is what we are calling as 5 Grand fundamental elements of Nature. 5 Grand Fundamental element are being described as Space, Air, Heat, Water, Soil. Those 5 type functions are described to have 5 type operations, those 5 operation are being required to function in their designated pathway methods within the circle and – each one being required to join with other 4 element’s operational executions. These 5 type operations are of two types based out of a core execution purpose.

  1. Static – Nature of Life Operation.
  2. Non Static – Nature of Life Operation, such is it’s requirement to function along with the above mentioned five.

Air’s rotational Nature:
Being ‘one of the operational core of the Universe’ and ‘for the Universe rotational operation and Gravity’s operation: Air exists to be one of the fundamental reasons, activity & instrument’. Air does the required elevated activities for it to move by itself and for small objects surrounding it to be moved, for huge objects to moved and to rotate. If air’s jobs are to be described briefly, “For Static to function it exists as whirling natured Air, For Non Static to function it exists as breathable natured air”

The Universe exists withholding within it having very huge gaps. In it, spread about are Soil Formation(1) joint efforts(2) in which Soil alongside Air and, in some(3) gap structural formations heat being high,  in some water being high, in some heat air(4) being high, in some water air(5) being high, is the existence having it within.

*(1) Soil Formation = Planets: Planets, Natural Satellites (Supportive Planets), Stars and so everything.
*(2) Joint Efforts = Soil + Air + Heat + Water + Space: Gap
*(3) in Some = Planets
*(4) Heat Air = Air joined with Heat
*(5) Water Air = Air joined with Water (Liquid)

Air’s Responsibility:
Air’s responsibility exists to be a very important and minute subject.

Universe internal structure gap rotational function:
Everywhere within the inner structure of the Universe, air has the necessity to whirl (rotate/spin) within the rotational operations. This happening is helping in unified functioning activities that happen in the Universe-inner-structure’s inner gap such as, heat, cold, light, dark ……. in such element’s activities, air helps in functioning together with it. That is, it helps in the function of the Rotational nature that operates on every direction and that which moves on every direction.

Planets Protective Field’s Outer Structure Rotational Operation:
It helps in the rotational operations (Rotating around itself, Revolving around it’s orbital path) of the Planets’ protective field’s outer structure that exists within the Universe’s inner structure. That is, air performing its rotational nature responsibilities by joining with Heat, water(cold), Gaps is helping in the rotational nature of the planets that whirl with the protective field’s shield.

Not only Planets but also for the Meteor’s (Asteroid) operations, Air helps in performing the responsibility of functioning in joint with Heat, Cold, Gaps.

Planets’ Protective Field’s Inner Structure Rotational Operation:
For ‘the functioning of the Gaps’ in between the Planet Soil’s outer surface and Protective field’s inner structure, air helps by joining along with the 5 Grand elemental function’s support. Adding to it, for the Static Nature of Life that exists on the upper soil surface of the Planet, for the Static – Non Static Nature of Life existence,  for the Planet’s outer – inner gravity, air helps by joining along with the 5 Grand elemental function’s support.

Planets’ Inner Structure Rotational Nature:
For the Static – Non Static Nature of Life that exists in the Planet’s inner structure (inner surface of the Soil), air renders its help by joining along with the 5 Grand elemental energies’ support.

For Planets’ Inner – Outer Gravity air helps along with the 5 Grand elemental energies’ support.

For Planet’s Core axis (inner core) operation – air helps along with the 5 Grand elemental energies’ support.

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Livin Senan

Greetings Everyone,

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Kind Regards,
Livin S
Assistant Researcher,