Need to be Learnt (Meaning Explanation)

If Livelihood life requires to be created on the Moon, the natural structure on the Moon requires to be corrected. These are researches conducted from the Universe Nature’s formation (structure) methods. Since in this research it is exhibited (expressed outcome) as new words through the mix of present activity into researches, hence meaning explanation is needed. In this, adding to it, since Universe nature laws, formulas are being utilized, hence knowing the meaning explanation becomes a need.

Static Life:
It has the nature of functioning, it will not subject to Evolutionary growth.
Example: Water, Heat, Air, Space, Soil

Non-Static Life:
It has the nature of functioning, It subjects to Evolutionary growth.
Example: Plant Lives, Animal Lives, Human Lives

Planetary Core Axis:
For the planet to rotate about itself, and to revolve through it’s orbital path, it happens to be the fundamental source energy.

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