Gravity (Changing)

When Humans, for the very first time stepped on the Moon, the first thing they learned was this. Gravity on the Moon is not the same as on Earth. It is what we came to understand. Hence, we start our research journey from here.

The characteristics of gravity – “Does it have the character of changing?”

This question is necessary at this time. We need to understand this. The reason being, the effect of this question:

  • It might make a few people wonder,
  • It might disappoint a few people,
  • It might baffle a few people,
  • It might make a few people think it is a new question,
  • It might make a few people to call it as imagination,
  • It might make a few people think of it as an unnecessary rumour,
  • It might make a few people think that it has been created to take them to the boundary of confusion,
  • It might make a few people create new dimensions in Science,
  • It might make a few people think of it being useful to Science in making it more simplified and stronger,
  • It might make a few people think it will pave way for Wisdom(philosophy) – Science to work alongside each other,
  • It might make a few people think it will pave way for completely understanding the fundamentals of Nature’s structure,
  • It might make a few people think it is The way to live with humanity as a Human being,
  • It might make a few people…. …….. …….. ………. ………..

If we try searching the ‘which’, ‘how to’ and ‘how now’ to take in the explanation, for the above mentioned content. The reasonable answer for it can only be “yes” for any planetary body we seek to live in, apart from our Earth(in the solar system). Do you understand this!

“We will get to know it, Patience”

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Sri Sivamathi M. Mathiyalagan, Moon Researcher - Universe Science.SameerRubenSvenAdam Recent comment authors
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A very interesting article indeed. When they mean Gravity are they referring to newtonian gravity or the universal gravity.

Livin Senan

They are referring to the Gravitational pulling force we feel on Earth or on Moon. Thats what they are referring to as Characteristics of gravity.

Sri Sivamathi M. Mathiyalagan, Moon Researcher - Universe Science.

Thank you so much.
The universal gravity.
Thanks and Thanks to The Universe Creator.


We call the Moon landing as leap of faith by human beings. Its good to hear that you continue your research for that magnificent feet of humans.


That is very true. Its a magnificent feet of human beings.


Reading through each point is an experience, indeed. Thanks for a wonderful article.


Why do we need to ask this question now?? I don’t understand the urgency. Its an interesting way to explore science but the urgency of such a question?? I am not getting your article

Livin Senan

Doesn’t Human beings deserve a better time? is’t hopeful and positive thinking the right way to it. Shouldn’t that be the norm of scientific seeking. Din’t we reach this point by being so?